Fight with my mum. Need advice from muslim mums.

I am a muslim, counting days to give birth. But my mum recently picked a fight with me and block me for no reason. (I wasnt event texting or talking to her about anything and suddenly she blocked and msg me super long) I am confused. I heard people say that i will have a bad labour experience if i fight with my parents. The thing is i dont even do anything. Isit true i will feel more pain and susah nak beranak? Please any muslim mummies can help me?

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I'm sorry to hear that you're going through a tough time with your mum while preparing for the birth of your child. It's understandable that you're feeling confused and worried about the impact of this situation on your labor experience. In Islam, it is emphasized to uphold good relations with parents and to show kindness and respect towards them, regardless of any disagreements or conflicts. While there is a saying that a difficult relationship with parents can affect one's experiences, it's important to remember that every individual's circumstances are unique. Instead of focusing on potential negative outcomes, try to take steps to mend the relationship with your mum. Communication is key in resolving misunderstandings. You could consider reaching out to her, expressing your feelings calmly, and trying to understand her perspective as well. It might help to involve a neutral third party, like a relative or a trusted elder, to mediate the situation. Remember to take care of your emotional well-being during this time by seeking support from other Muslim mums, friends, or a counselor who can provide guidance and comfort. Surrounding yourself with positivity and prayers can also help alleviate stress and anxiety. Stay strong and remember that seeking forgiveness, showing patience, and maintaining a positive mindset can contribute to a smoother pregnancy and labor process. Trust in the power of prayers and the love and support of your community to help you through this challenging period. If you need further advice or support, feel free to reach out to other Muslim mums in your community or a local Islamic center for guidance and emotional assistance. Remember, you're not alone, and there are always people willing to offer a helping hand and kind words during difficult times.

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mum are weird. just like us going to be mum soon. we want the best for our kids. I believe yr mom behave this way is due to some issue which either we know or not that is bothering her. As a muslim, 3day nvr talk to parents is consider sinful especially mum. We are taught since young to priorities our mother first... So whether the mistake is done accidentally or not... we as the child take the first step to ask for forgiveness... hopefully there is something that we did or talk that will softened her heart. Unable to call her... meet her... try all means even if had to get someone to help... most importantly we as her kid do not distance ourself from our parents. trust me... she as a mother... will nvr wish bad for her own kid. Do whatever you can to make everything ok again... the rest is up to Allah to do the magic.

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Just seek forgiveness before the day comes eventhou you are confused. pray to Allah s.w.t to ease the labour journey... 😊

4mo trước

thank u sis for this. i am still thinking what i did wrong until today.. please send prayers for me too. 🥲