I know Tula isn't really recommended for newborns, except if with an infant insert which may cost an additional penny. Can anyone recommend a baby carrier that's safe from birth to toddlerhood?

Boba 4g has an integrated infant insert included when you purchased it, however, the minimum weight requirement is 7lbs. The maximum weight is 45lbs. You can check this page for more information: http://www.boba.com/support/boba-carrier/the-newborn-hold
We started using carrier when my daughter turned 2 months I guess. We do have Boba wrap and standard carrier. The standard one can last until the child is 4 y.o. depending on his weight. Boba is good and durable, I'll recommend it.
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Woven wraps are very versatile. You can find local brands like QB, Nanay at Ako, etc. However, if you prefer imported brands, there is Didymos, Tula, Artipoppe among others
I used to use SaYa baby carrier. It's a hybrid kind of carrier and I've used it for 6 months since my baby was around 1 month I think. Now, I've upgraded to SSCs
I used baby ktan for almost 2yrs with our bunso. Its comfortable, easy to use and safe.