Breastfeeding after C-section

May I know how long your milk comes after c-section?

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Super Mom

Mine came in after 3-4 days. Do request for a lactation consultant visit as they can help express out the colostrum which is very difficult to express yourself since it's so thick and little, but it's precious so use it to feed baby! Expressing will help milk production also.

6y trước

thanks, only afraid the bm still not coming after I discharged from hospital. maybe I'll try to breast pump also instead of waiting them to sent my baby every 3 hours

Thành viên VIP

Hi... Moms who have cesarean births, tend to have their milk come in a little bit later. Your milk may come in anywhere from day 2 to day 6 (usually around days 2-3).

Influencer của TAP

my milk kick in the 3rd day after csec. first few days just colostrum

Super Mom

Hi mummy, mine came in slowly after c-sec.

Mine came day 4 and 5

Influencer của TAP

Mine was next day..

Super Mom

Abt 3 days

About 3 days

Second day

Thành viên VIP

2-3 days