Does Anyone Choose To Skip Both Oscar And Harmony Test?

May I know does anyone choose to skip all the DS test? As I am in dilemma whether should go for any of this test for the peace of mind or should skip it totally. My husband think that all these tests are not necessary.

18 Replies
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Super Mom

Why skip when technology allows us for better screening? Can claim from medisave in future

5y trước

Thanks for sharing :)

We did not do any of those tests as we intend to still have the baby regardless.

5y trước

Thanks for reply :)

Thành viên VIP

I would go for the basic one, Oscar. Encourage to do so I felt

5y trước

Thanks for sharing :)

Super Mom

I went for Oscar but not harmony.

I skipped both

I skipped

Thành viên VIP

I skipped

Super Mom


5y trước
