Do time out work for your kids?
I have used time out sparingly but I feel like it never works for me. Do time out work for your kids? If it does can you share how do you do it? #discipline
I have used time out sparingly but I feel like it never works for me. Do time out work for your kids? If it does can you share how do you do it? #discipline
Time out doesnt work for my child too. I prefer doing time in. usually when they are acting out, its because something is bothering them and wants our attention, so i prefer to give Time In. if she doesnt want to connect, I'll leave her alone, but be around. and when she needs me, I'm there.
Hey Roshni, it can be quite an affective way to discipline kids without resorting to more traditional ways. If it hasn’t been working out for you you can check this out
Time out has worked for mine - I do it very calmly and tell them it’s a time for them to calm down and reflect on what they did. If I do it in anger it is less effective
work out at home with the kids watching me, or bringing them out to walk with me