28 Replies

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Give it some time. And give yourself and your wife some "alone time"; for you that might be going out with friends, for her that could mean watching some Korean drama... Important to speak about it

Totally agree with Lars and Roshni here. Not just you, but she might be feeling the same as well, and you both need to breathe some fresh air and time together, and all other worries might look smaller

If you have your own family you should know your priorities first...and your wife and children shoud come first before anything else. Understand that Iba ang may buhay pamilya sa pagiging binata.

VIP Member

Welcome to parenthood. Btw, you may feel trapped but have you spent anytime figuring out if she feels trapped too?

You should talk with your wife and request to keep away from following two antidote of your life: 1. Colleagues & Friends 2. Relatives and Family

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You are trapped. This is when family matters grand mother, nany, sisters.. and weekends off help.