I have behavioral issues with my kid. he is 3.8 years old and doesn't listen to me or any of the family members we chose to ignore many of his habits like chewing playing objects,toys or any things continuously etc... due to this he keeps suffering from infections . he's has started retaliating to what we say after he has joined hi school. doesn't even listens to his dad. He intentionally takes a lot of time in doing things like eating and doing homework.. .he is very fussy and i have to feed him day and night if i wont feed he will not eat anything. Whenever I ask him to do his homework he takes more than a hour to complete it which he can just do in 5 mins. He keeps fiddling and falling down when I ask him to study. Otherwise he's very bright but his teachers have also started complaining that he doesn't listen to them. I would have to repeat things 5 times he chose to ignore us a lot..he keeps fighting with his small sister too. It's only when I give him warnings he understands. He watches tv for 1 hr in a day and that too only dora mickey mouse and all.

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