I have been using a soft structured canvas baby carrier (pognae) for 1 year and my toddler is now 17 months, 10kg. I am considering a bigger ssc over a stroller. But am torn between Lenny Lamb's full wrap conversion ssc (soft and pretty) or something more canvas-y and suppprtive like Tula for toddlers. Anyone used both before & can give some advice?

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Canvas-y does not equates to supportiveness. For toddlers, other than Tula, i would suggest Babyroo full wc which can last all the way till 5 years of age (although i will never want them to be in carrier from 3 yrs onwards 😂).. u can pay a visit to vendor place from 13THIRTEEN to try a Babyroo on.. or even rent a toddler tula at www.facebook.com/babycarriersrentalsg to try try and set your own verdict!

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