TTC questions on symptoms and discharge

I have been TTC since 2 year ago and I was detected with possible endometriosis and adenomyosis after I had my first miscarriage in May 2021. I am currently 12 DPO and since 5-6DPO, my nipples were very sensitive and hard. Just yesterday and today, clear, thick and rubbery discharge that resemble ovulation came out which is unusual as my next period is expected 2-3 days later and during these period, I am usually dry. I did not dare to do early test to avoid disappointment again. Do any of you have these kind of discharge right before period and tested BFP? P.S. I am undergoing TCM treatment to boost fertility by letting the egg mature faster since 1 week ago. Not sure if this TCM is the reason why I had such discharge now.

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your ovulation and period is only 3 days apart?? what test are you referring to, ovulation test or pregnancy test? if it’s pregnancy test, no, the discharge (implantation bleeding) shouldn’t be thick and clear and rubbery.

3y trước

I am currently on Day 26 of my current cycle and is due for next mense in 2-3 days time. My cycle is normal and suspected that I ovulated on Day 13, thus today is 12 DPO. I am now having unusual increase of discharge but resembled ovulation discharge, clear and rubbery. Usually I am dry days leading to my start of period.