latching problem

I have been trying to latch my baby since 2M. From NB to 2M it was only bottle no latch at all. Because I got inverted nipple, baby refuse to latch well because it's not deep like bottle teat. Any mum with inverted nipple manage to successfully latch from EP to DL? How do you do it? I tried to latch earlier before baby feeding time but as soon as I cradle baby, she already started crying. What can I do? *please no LC LC consultation* tried alot of times for LC LC support all no use

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have u tried nipple shield or soothie style pacifiers? my lo was the same, will scream bloody murder if i tried to latch her, i introduced soothie style pacifiers and somehow that helped her understand how to latch? i usually will massage my nipple area first or express a little milk out before trying to latch her. i also tried laid back nursing & let her wiggle to my boob, that was the first time she latched. she’s now 1.5m

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4y trước

also, ultimately just take it slow. don’t stress or fret, i know it can be frustrating but just keep calm, hopefully in time your lo will learn how to latch, if not just keep pumping. it’s still breastmilk! you’re doing a good job