Frequent night wakings(Long post ahead!)

I have a 32 months old boy. He doesn't need to night feed, only drink fm before bedtime. However, he doesn't sleep smoothly all the way. 2 to 3 hours after he sleep he will start to make noise or cry..back to sleep and then wee hours wake up cry 2 or 3 times.. on a good night, sometimes he can sleep all the way without making noise. Usually he wakes up to find his pacifier that has dropped off from his mouth, or just want to pat etc. Every once in awhile, he will have unconsoleable crying in the night. Pacifier checked, pat, no urine leaking etc. Last night he woke up at 12am crying and is unconsoleable. My husband was just starting to feel unwell down with bad sore throat and also tired from working so he just wants to have a good rest. However my toddler kept crying and we couldn't console him in the end husband slapped him twice in the face. Later on, he still make a few noises throughout and one of the time I patted his chest and held his hand and he fell bk asleep right away. However this morning at 7am he wakes up crying uncontrollably again and husband got mad drag and beat his hand and legs and carry him inside the storeroom and close the door. Less than 1 minute I went to open the storeroom door and try to calm him down. Was in the kitchen to fill his water bottle and give him water he broke down again lie down on the kitchen floor crying and shouting. I just let him shout and say u cry finish already stand up. It works. My heart broke several times last night. My boy is still not able to speak well yet (jus started to speak at 2.5yo when he sees dolphin on YouTube etc but not very clear pronunciation, some words are clear like ok, orange etc.) Last night I had no idea what happened to him and as he still can't verbally tell us what he want yet and daddy is sick tired and frustrated. I drag to know what will happen tonight again. BTW I just had a newborn 2 weeks ago. My boy was coping well with his little sister and sayang her too. Not sure if it's the presence of newborn? However little sister is currently sleeping in a separate room with nanny. After nanny left, husband offered to take care of newborn and so he will sleep separately from us too. Wondering if it's normal for toddler to wake crying few times in the night? #pleasehelp #advicepls

2 Replies

It can be of any reason that your little toddler wakes up and not sleeping well. Might be presence of the little one. Or just do not know what to tell you about his emotions. Pardon me but, what your husband did is totally incorrect and unacceptable. That would make him be more emotional and would keep his thoughts within him. Try asking him whats wrong and talk nicely. It could perhaps help. You might also want to read body language of your toddler. When he cry uncontrollably maybe you can seat in the living room, coax him and hug him. Using nice words like you are there and his safe etc. It can be difficult but slowly and do not scream,scold and beating or it will get worse. I mean, we all have our level of patience, tired can be part of the reason we blow up but kids do understand us when we get mad. Hope this helps and your little toddler gets better.

Thank you 🙂

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My heart broke on what his Daddy did. Reassure your tot that everything will be fine, hug him, ir even sing to him. Please tell Dad not to do that again as he didnt do anything wrong he will not understand. Or maybe this could be like night tremors? When small kids tend to be super active or playful during the day it happens at night. Also observe mum maybe he might be feeling unwell too? This too shall pass mum. :)

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