3 Replies

Watch whether he has eyes contact and ask teacher whether he peeps while they are teaching. Some kids cannot sit but still watch the teacher teaching from far. It is good to teach early that always follow parents and he cannot running around while go out together. Give a stern voice to him when he let go your hands. I am Mother of 3 and I hope this helps. My eldest one also cannot sit still since young and he has now social behaviours issues and under therapy. I suggest see whether he learn or not. My Son go 3 hours school is like playing the door, play the toys, no interaction at all in the class. I withdraw from the school and At the end the childcare help a little bit of his condition.

Hi~if he still allows u to hold his hands at Carpark or dangerous places means he is still aware of danger. At 16 months they will love to walk and use their tiny hands to feel and explore. Esp when they just started to master walking independently they tends to be more curious. But If u realised that toddler has no eye contacts and doesn't listen to simple instructions such as 'do not touch', 'stop doing it' etc then u need to monitor closer. Hope it helps.

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