tested positive today.

hi all. i had a miscarriage at 6 weeks 9 years ago and have been trying for kid then. was planning to do IUI already. last mth did 3 internal ultrasound and egg is still not “big” enough for IUI procedure. one week later i feel like im ovulating and we decided to try. the day before i had some bleeding and thats it. my breast still feel so sore and tender so i have decided to test cause my period is suppose to come tomorrow. now im not sure when should i go for gynae visit. should i wait till 6-8 weeks?

tested positive today.
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Congrats! 6 weeks might be too early to scan anything, usually 8 weeks. But if you’re worried, do visit a gynae asap, see if they can give you the pill to stabilise the pregnancy. 😊

3y trước

i went to polyclinic at wk4 and did a vaginal ultrasound to make sure it is not a ectopic pregnancy. also to make sure it is not in my fallopian tubes. apparently the ultrasound did show a gestional sac (albeit super tiny) suggesting i was 5wks. i was also given folic acid and hormones pills due to my previous history of brown spotting during pregnancy. so just go see a gynae to assure urself.