Kindly share your thoughts
I had a a male friend who is now struggling and confused about the pregnancy of this woman who is now claiming that my male friend is the father. They only had a 1 contact way back December 1 2021 and then nothing follows. Later on February 02, 2022 at that moment the Gestation age is 6 weeks and 3 days, and the ultrasound shows her EDD (September 25,2022) My male friend ask for help because he was confused that the girl is claiming that she got pregnant and he is the father but the ultrasound and the contact date doesn't match at all In this case if the EDD is Sept. 25, 2022 Most probably at the second week of December she had her last menstruation So it means that their contact on Dec 1 2021 doesn't match And base on the ultrasound last feb 02 2022 the GA is about 6 weeks and 3 days Which reflect that most probably she had menstruation on the 2nd or the 3rd week of the month of December And the most probable contact for her pregnancy is on the 3rd to 4th week of December 2021 Which invalidate the possibility of my friend to be the father of the child because it almost had a 2 weeks difference And its very impossible that sperms lives in the uterus for almost 2 weeks . Can you share your thoughts #pleasehelp #advicepls #pregnancy