4 Replies

During these 6 weeks, it can be helpful to focus on taking care of yourself and staying positive. Surround yourself with supportive people who can help alleviate your worries. Engage in activities that you enjoy to keep yourself occupied. It might also be worth trying relaxation techniques like deep breathing or meditation to help calm your mind. Remember, your doctor is there to guide you and ensure your well-being. Trust their judgment when they say everything looks okay. They have your best interests at heart and will monitor your pregnancy closely. I know it's easier said than done, but worrying won't change the outcome. Try to have faith in your body and the incredible process of pregnancy. Stay positive, take it one day at a time, and trust that everything will be okay. Btw, you can also buy kratom online(https://www.outlookindia.com/outlook-spotlight/best-kratom-vendors-news-236504). Just a suggestion.

First to second appt will be far apart then subsequently will be 4 weeks gap then near to EDD will be 2 weeks gap. Yes, can't deny we will feel anxious however think positive and ensure your health, well being are taken care of. My first child I had appt at 15 weeks and I missed all my first few important check up. Baby grow healthy and exceed EDD. Give birth at 41 weeks 1 day. She's now 5 years old.

I’m really worried that I’ll go for the appointment and then baby wouldn’t have grown enough or there might be another issue - some reason I feel like there’s so many cases of miscarriage and everyone keeps telling me about their bad experiences I’m just really worried

Eat well sleep well. And it will be good

ftm so take what I say with pinch of salt k. I think if somethings wrong you will be able to tell, like massive bleeding or extreme pain. if none of those happen can just assume all is good

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