Breast Milk

I just had c sec on 1st May but struggling with producing breast milk. Breast are full n firm but let down through breast pump is very minimum not even half oz. I tried hot press n pumping every 2hours. Any suggestions or advice?

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As your milk supply will increase along the way, if u can latch your baby every 1 hour, engorment will be subsided quick, baby stomach is small hence do every 1 hour feed. it also help to stimulate your milk supply. if u pump every 1 hour, I guess u might find it too tiring.

Might want to consider getting those Javanese postpartum massages. They’ll help you with postpartum massages to help open the pores. Best to get them asap before clogging starts and you get engorgement. All the best!

Just keep feeding/pumping every 2 hours. it's usually very sore for the first 3 days. afterwards, it gets better 💪

Try finding any blocked ducts because that's what happened to me. Massage and you will feel a lump or 2.

Thank you all. I massage as advice and my milk is started to flow better.

use hand express you will realize that it's easier to come out the milk

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