Dont feel bad for yourself. Sometimes we prone to make decision based on what's best for us and baby esp in terms of health/giving birth. To each are the choices for individual, dont have the mum's guilt. Inducing labour can be positive respond meaning it will go smooth or otherwise, meaning emergency c section. If baby's too big, but your birth canal is small, it can cause tearing if you can't push baby out, hence you make the right choice of inducing labour. Not everyone can go through vaginal birth if baby's big in size. It can also lead to vaginal assisted delivery like forceps, vacuum and last option c section. Well, some people may say you can wait till EDD, but what are the chances of waiting? What if waterbag dont burst, and you still go for induce at full term? Or you still go C section at full term due to baby's size?
For me, first child I wanted all natural but ended with induce at 41 weeks, I used the gas, jab and epidural. And ended the birth journey with vacuum assisted because I choose that option instead of c section. And baby's head was too huge with her heartbeat dropping drastically.
Dont be disheartened nor discourage with the decision you've made. As long as baby and you are healthy as well as safe. Do take care and heal yourself ❤