5weeks of pregnancy

i just done my scanning yesterday... in 5weeks of pregnancy.. but its does not appear anything at first and i had to go the hospital to rescan... and it is only a tiny looks... it is normal? sorry my first pregnancy...

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yup.. its normal Mommy. even my 7 weeks baby at the time look so tiny. as long the heart beat is there, everything is gonna be fine. just have a lot of rest mommy🤗🤗.. enjoy your 9 months journey🌈

5y trước

ya.. since Dr wanna confirm the sac i think..

Not to worry much.. 5 weeks... come on!!

Thành viên VIP

Normal for some prggy mom, like me😂

its normal..no worries

5y trước

glad to hear that😍😍

Thành viên VIP

normal dear