upt test

I dah test this morning dgn my first urine. Ini result dia. Anyone help me to explain plz

upt test
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Congrats..you're going to be mommy 😀

5y trước

Tq dear;)

Congrats...helo baby 2020

5y trước

Yes baby

Congratulations sis... Take care ok...

5y trước

Thanks sis

tahniah sis.. positive ni.. take care

5y trước

Thank u dear.. pray utk saya skali


5y trước

Thank u so much :)

Thành viên VIP

Tahniah. Positive pregnant...

Tahniah sis

Kt box tulis pregnant ke x

5y trước

Then yes! Congrats! Hehehe

Congrats sis.. Positive

5y trước

Most wlcome sis..

Pregnant sis.. Tahniah

5y trước

Thank u mommy