Covid vaccine for breastfeeding mummies

Hi all. I am currently y breastfeeding my baby. Am wondering if any mummies who are breast feeding has taken the covid vaccine? And did you stop breastfeeding after that?

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Yes took Pfizer. Nope, i didnt stop. Breastfed my baby immediately within an hour, did not even pump and dump. Baby is fine, not sick or fussy.

4y trước

thanks for replying. that's reassuring. kudos for having the courage to continue with breastfeeding your baby. 🍼🍼

Thành viên VIP

I heard breast feeding mommies can go for covid vaccine , n no need to stop . As my sister-in-law done the same , so nothing happen so far

4y trước

thanks Navya for the reply💕 stay safe and take care 🍼🍼