7 Replies

Does she toss and turn every other night she's not with you too as it could be an indicator of something else such as noise, stress, or a disrupted routine. Look for cues like rubbing eyes or yawning (and accommodate her bedtime with this). Also start by making sure she doesn't use electronics before bed, there are effective blackout curtains, and she doesn't eat too late. I hope this helps, everyone needs a proper sleep!

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I sympathize with you.. my son was a handful - kicked all night. so what I did was sleep with him until he fell asleep and then I went back to sleep in our bed :)

VIP Member

I don’t have a solution but I do empathise. This is my daughter screaming Papa wake up this morning at 5.30 am. We nicknamed this photo as “no sleep for the wicked!”

Perhaps, get her to sleep on a mattress by the bed so you're sleeping in the same room, but not on the same bed?

Can I ask why your LO sleeps in your bed once a week? Won't that break the routine?

Helper has 24 hours leave

Story of my life too! Try using a pillow as barrier? :)

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