Feeling low cos of low placenta

😥I just broke down at home after my week 16 gynae visit, cos I was told my placenta position is quite low. Am a #1stimemom and seriously wish for a smooth pregnancy, preferably natural delivery. Apparently I can't do or eat any specific thing to help the placenta move up. Feeling helpless, lost and worried. Has anyone had similar experience? I'm hoping to hear from mummies whose placenta gradually, amazingly moved from low to normal position. At which week did your gynae conclude your placenta position is normal? Did you try to do anything to help the placenta move up? *I know I need to avoid sex and strenuous activity, and am aware of the complications, so it's okay to leave those out pls! Might just break down again after being reminded of these :( Really am just here to see if there are real cases of successful placenta migration. [Thank you all so much for your sharing and encouragement! ♡]

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I have low placenta as well. I just tell my boy to kick up the placenta so that it will not block his path to come out. and it happened... so just pray n talk to bb.

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I am going through exactly same feeling as you. I'm week 27 now. I have my next check-up next week. I am hoping the doc to give me some assuring news 😟

3y trước

Thank you mommy ❤️

Mine was low at week 32. I thought i got no hope for natural delivery but magically my placenta move up at week 35!! Jus avoid carry heavy stuff

3y trước

Less walking, bed rest more. Oh yes, old ppl will advise u to avoid squatting or sitting on the floor. Everyday i tell my baby to kick more. Hopefully kick up my placenta

Mine started out low, then moved in front, now it’s on top. It’s really still a long way to go. Wouldn’t worry at all if I were you!

3y trước

May I also know if there was anything you do or eat specifically to try to help the placenta move up?

Mine was low too. At 28 weeks checkup Gynae said it has moved up. So dont worry, you still have time. 🙂

3y trước

Nope, it will happen naturally. 🙂

mine was low at 20 weeks, and now at 32 weeks it's in the normal position already :)

3y trước

Happy for you! And thank you for your sharing. Gives me some hope and comfort! :) Was there anything you do or eat specifically to try to help the placenta move up?

mine always started low too. it will move up. don't worry too much.

Happy thoughts!

3y trước

:) Will try! Thank you!