I am absolutely fed up of being the sole bread winner in the house. The kids are 7 and 9. I am frustrated that my Wife keeps saying she needs to not work and stay at home to take care of the kids. The kids go to school and we have a part time maid who comes in twice a week. How do I get her to go back to the workforce instead of sitting at home and spending all my hard earned Money?

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i am sure you have spoken to her already, but please do so again. this time, explain to her the financial situation as it is. show her the inflow and the expenditure, and tell her honestly that as she has helped in the house and parenting part till now, you know she can help you in the financial part too. she may be reluctant to start working, so maybe she can start with a part time work? give her options and do some research before you talk to her, about the type of jobs that are available.

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