4 Replies

I found this info for u. But generally there is no guarantee that any of these recommendations will definitely work. I guess the best thing to do is to latch baby often and bring ur pumps with u to the hospital when u deliver so that u can pump at 3 hrly to stimulate ur boobs and production. Have lots of the fish/green papaya soup while trying to boost ur production with other milk boosters - every woman is different so u have to try it out. All the best and an early congrats

Rolled Oat, durian, raw salmon, milo, fish. These are some I've heard from other mums. Generally for me is raw salmon (sashimi). Most imptly is to keep latching when baby is hungry. The more they latch our body produces more.

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The cons of other mummys breast milk, you do not know what they ate. Its all up to your own preferences. I would not worry about the supply for now and focus on the pregnancy.

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