First pregnant

hye mummy ! im 17weeks pregnant . but my tummy does't show up any difference. is it normal? when did you all notice your tummy become bigger? ?

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Hai beby kite sebaye la 17week too.. Perut sy pn x nampak lg, cume nampak mcm buncit je 😉

6y trước

hehe bby august ! my edd same date as my anniversary 😍

26 weeks..x leh nak sorok dah baby bump.. Org tak nampK jugak.. Kne g cek mTa tu..

its normal.. i look bloated when im 17weeks.ur bump should be seen at 20weeks or so..

6y trước

everyone is different so u dont have to care abt what they have to long as dr says everything is fine then it should be fine. ur baby is still small and u definitely need to keep watch on ur weight as gainning too much would be bad. trust me,once u reach 28weeks ur bump will be too heavy for u to even sleep.hahaha

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Sama sy 15mnggu tpi kjap perut nmpk kjp.. Kempis.. Hihihi..

6y trước

iya.. nie la time kenyang jk nmpk.. bru xda alahan.. kdng fkir keadaan bby ok kh x.. nnti dh bklinik jmpa nurse doktor bru rasa lega.. hati

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its normal . sama mcm kawan saya . even 40week mcm 16week 😂

Mine 16 weeks.. smua baju ngn suar x muat dah.. from S to M 😂

6y trước

Hehehehe 😍

sy 5 bulan..tapi org kata mcm xpregnant 😅 xnmpk baby bump

6y trước

sama jugak mcm saya, heheheeh

normal... dlu sy 20++weeks baru nmpk baby bump...

mine start notice after 20 weeks 😁

Normal sis. Saya 5/6 bulan bru nampak hehehehe