hye mommies.....i want to ask..is it true the baby head will bigger if the mother always get sleeping, rest and have a diebetic? i feel so confuse because my aunt always say like that to me...

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Its just a rumors..dont worry..just take care of urself, control ur diet..live healthy

nak tanya, berapa minggu kandungan kita baru boleh start beklinik?

4y trước

SEBELUM usia kandungan 12week mesti dah daftar buku antenatal..pastikn nutrien cukup, boleh beli supplement antenatal d farmasi berdaftar jika ada masalah (yg tak dapat d elakan) utk daftar awal

Hahahaha patut mak saya bising saya tidur je. Katanya nnt baby besor😂 Tapi tak dengor pon, pekak telinga😆

Super Mom

hallo sis.. it not true ok. dont panic.. think positive and always pray a good think😁

Taklah.. time check up doc akan monitor n bgth kita. Think positive n jaga pemakanan.

sama laa .. parents saya pun ckp bnda yg sama ... hahaahha , nasib baik x btl 🤣

asslamn nak tanya normal ka 7 weeks tk nampak bby lagi p scan nampak kantung ja jelas

2y trước


itulah mak mertua sy pun cakap macamtu.. risau jugak

No. There is no evidence to support this. So rest assured.

Tiada pengalaman. Nak tgk jwpn yg lain..