Baby Kick
Hye mommies. When was your 1st baby kick? Mine was at 19weeks. I guess next check up need to inform nurse and got an injection right? ?Its feeling like there is ? in the stomach. Thanks Allah for this cute little ?. Bless him.
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Mcm mne rse nye.. Sy confuse la.. Now da 21week.. Tp xtau rse cmne.. Ke sy xperasan..
5 bulan bru rsa..cma time tu xtau beza lg.. da 6 bulan, bru ok btl2 rsa pergerakan
Sronok.. lgi frst tme kan, asl dia gerak je, cpt suruh suami rsa bila smpai kt suami, dia snyp plak. 🤣
1st prgnt.. Dalam 5 bulan baru rasa ada gerak2.. tapi perlahan2..
Kena ada injection ke after rasa baby kicking?
17 weeks dh rasa baby gerak 😍
Ya sis.. 😊
20the week
Ok lebih kurg sy lah. Tahniah
17 weeks..🙈
Cepat juga ye. Alhamdulillahhhh
18 weeks
Alhamdulillah. I rasa masa 16 weeks, very mild one and ticklish hehe
Alhamdulillah sy ni bila nurse tny je taktau nk jwb rasa ke tak sbb confuse since 16w hari tu tp alhamdulillah dh 19w ni dh betul2 rasa