My husband is very fond of dogs. Is it safe to keep a pet dog around my 2-year kid ?

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Môj manžel má veľmi rád psy. Je bezpečné mať domáceho psa okolo môjho dvojročného dieťaťa? Pri správnom výcviku a dohľade mnohé rodiny zistia, že mať psa okolo malých detí je bezpečné a prospešné. Je dôležité vybrať psa s vhodným temperamentom a zabezpečiť, aby pes aj dieťa rozumeli, ako sa navzájom bezpečne správať.

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personally i have dog at home with my 2 boys.. since baby till toddler they have been in good terms with her... of course u do have to watchout for the hygiene, ensure washing of hands after touching the doggie.. another point is that i will always ask my kids to only touch it with me around as never know they will provoke it in any rough handling ..

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I tin it OK..cos few of my friends have dog at home.. and the new born baby seem to have good term wz the dog.. and when my friend is busy doing some washing the dog even stay by the side of the baby look after and when baby cry or wake up the dog run to my friend and put her over .. but not for me cos I m afraid of dog

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Pets are good for kids but of course the parents must take responsibility for the pet as if it were your own child. I have friends whose kids grow up with the dogs and they are fine. I believe having pets helps kids emotionally and physically.

I think it is -- just be sure to treat the dog (or any other pet) well. Keep them fed and take care of them; they will pretty much be a part of the family and dogs are known to be loyal and loving to children.

We have a Labrador and golden retriever with a nearly one year old girl. No matter how friendly they are, all interactions are strictly supervised. Never leave pets alone with kids.

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yes, dogs are most friendly and loving so dont worry just ensure u avoid pitbull, doberman, bulldog breed n go in for a lab, retriever, beagel , they are very friendly

6y trước

I have a pitbull around my 4 yr old and 2 month old, probably the most well tempered and patient dog I've ever had.

personally i do not have a dog at home or keep it as a pet. but believer it is safe as some of my friend who also dog as a pet when their LO is very small.

I saw a series in Netflix entitled Babies that it is better to have a dog at home because it will boost the immune system of the child.

Yes it is better, because its boost baby's immune system, ❤️❤️ and they lost fears towards Animals, and it is a Great bonding