My husband and i have been quarreling. He doesn't want to listen. He expect me to listen to him . His off days he doesn't look after my lo. He said he needs to go back to work. I trusted him. Until i found out when he come back he went straight to sleep. I can even smell beer in his body. Many times i thinking of divorce. I m telling myself why. If he cheated on me; i will know because he will not have sex. But we had sex. If he doesn't and thats where my suspicious comes. I am ready to raised my daughter alone. I can be both role. Whats the point of having this type of man in my life where he doesn't even help me. I even checked his messages. What ever messages within his friends or colleague. He delete it off. Seriously; i need to ask myself where i stand. Mummy what would you do??

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I'm sorry to hear that you're going through this. And i know it's difficult to think of seeking help, and getting out of this rut. Mutual understanding and being open to listen to the other is extremely important. Would you ever consider marriage counselling?

Try to sit down and talk to your husband before you decide on what to do. Divorce is not about signing the paper but it will affect your LO in future. Consider all the consequences before you make the moves. At least clear all the doubts that you have.

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go on your kneel and ask God to arrest his heart for you. if only u can believe this, u gonna see the answer soonest. God will answer you

Have you tried counselling? You might find that there might be some underlying issues that may need to be fixed.

Do what makes you happy. It would be good to see a counselor about this.

Why not you both just sit down and talk it out ? Clear all the doubts !

you guys need to sit down and talk. or maybe try counselling?