Does your husband accompany you for your gynae check?

My husband ask me if he is needed whenever I say I have a gynae visit which is kind of irritating me very big time. I feel he does not want to be involve and rather be at work than to go through these pregnancy with me. I have always been independent. I never needed him for such things but after I started talking to my friends and realise , everyone’s partner accompany them for almost every gynae check which make me start to feel irritated when he ask me why I have so many checkup just because 2 is arranged by kkH and 1 is by private gynae and all happen in 1 month to go through the FTS and etc… I don’t know if it’s my hormones or is he really making my pregnancy lonely..

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Talk to him.. explain he’s needed to witness the baby growth. But maybe u can choose those important check up then involve him.. It’s my second pregnancy. And I rather go alone for my gynae check up as it’s rather waste of time, can wait up to 1/2hr but the check up is only 10min. And I actually enjoy the alone time. Hahaha. But my hubby can’t acc me due to his job that doesn’t have leave. But of cos for important check like gender reveal, maybe he will try to take mc. Hahaha 😂 and I think mostly 3rd trimester need more accompany. Don’t worry mama, communicate and let him know how u feel!

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