11 Replies

Focus on breathing out - breathe in, of course! But lengthen and extend the out-breath. Do this a few times whilst counting to ten. The natural breathing response when you become exasperated is to take a sharp in-breath and keep breathing in - this is how we breathe when we are angry or anxious. We naturally sigh (an extended out-breath) when we become stressed - this is nature's way of helping us de-stress.

i have a nephew who is 6years old and have adhd. my sister calm him down by doing regular meditation. he comes from a sikh religion so my sister made him chant a type of prayer to mediate. it would be hard at first but after sometimes ur kids will get use to it.

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you can try games that teaches them how to practice self-control. There are many you can find online that you don’t have to spend money to buy. And these will be useful skills that follow them even through adulthood!


Should your patience level come to a challenge, take ten deep breaths breathing in and out slowly. If still angry, repeat process till you calm down

You need to control your senses that is possible through yoga and meditation

5 and 7 years old

How old is your child, Lew?

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