4 Replies

I will pull mg child aside, explain to his and have a conversation regarding the wrongful action. It is through us that they will learn to react accordingly. I will never ignore the source of the action, there could be an underlying issue. The link i have attached maybe of help to you. http://www.positiveparentingsolutions.com/parenting/start-10-tips-better-behavior Happy reading :)

You may find this article useful: http://afineparent.com/be-positive/positive-discipline.html I think the part on not focusing on what the child did wrong, but on showing how to set things right, as well as, treating mistakes as opportunities to learn, are particularly enlightening. There are many articles on this topic and I found this easy to understand. Hope this helps! :)

A child does not have the logic and reasoning that an adult have. Tell the child that you love him/her unconditionally and then look at the behavior separately. What was the intention of the child to behave in this way?

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