How to start potty training ?

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Hi, the simplest way to make the baby potty trained is to follow a routine and stick to it. Each morning after wake up time, place the baby on the baby potty seat. Depending on baby's comfort, you can either choose the potty seats that are independent and are placed on the floor, or a small baby seat that attaches to the main toilet seat. I would personally recommend the latter. Do this every day without fail. Also, if your baby has a drink of water before sitting on the seat, it could aid in passing stool. Teach your baby a sign word to use for potty. Each time you place baby on the seat, keep repeating the word so that your baby associates potty with that word. It will help your baby signal to you in times of need. Avoid putting your baby in the diaper at this stage and don't worry if there are quite a few 'incidents' of accidental pooping. My younger one was trained at 15 months of age.

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