How would u react if someone who just in the first pregnancy starts teaching and teasing your child who is barely 3yo. I cannot stand it. In my house, she said my 3yo pee is smelly (maybe because of his diaper) and teased him being 3yo and still wearing diaper and commented my 11mo a spoilt kid.

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im currently 22wks. my sil son is abt 3yo and still wear diapers. i think its the hormones that make me able to smell the pee smell / poo very strongly. i would disturb him ofc and i would change his diapers if i really cant tahan. as my mum in law are very old, so diapers wont be change that frequent. like only twice a day mostly. and my sil works and reach home late

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I would be irritated of course, but what can we do about such people? Best is to show that you don’t care about her opinion, and just ignore. She will come to realise her actions/words are uncalled for when she experience it for herself.

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Ignore ya.. dogs always barks .. don’t take it in to the heart .. I know how difficult to train kid .. he is only 3yrs .. now he understands n it’s the time to start ur startup on diaper free time .

Thành viên VIP

The person has not yet gone through those stages yet and cannot empathise with u. She is just making unconstructive remarks without thinking through it. Just ignore her and don’t take it heart.

Thành viên VIP

Yes definitely best to ignore. Every child is an individual and has different growth qualities. Maybe you can also try explaining that to her one day if it gets too annoying! (:

Thành viên VIP

It doesn't matter and you shouldn't be too affected by it. These are things that only parents would understand so, give her time and she will when her child grows up!

keep calm and let the negativity pass. she obviously doesnt know what she is in for when she becomes a parent. so till then, be the bigger person

Thành viên VIP

This type of people are just so annoying. Ignore them. One day when she be a mum she will know it. Karma will hit her back..

She will have her chance to experience all these. just smile and wish her good luck..