HOW TO PROPERLY BREAST FEED YOUR BABY 1. Massage your breasts - This will relax your breasts and help them express milk more easily. Start above the breast and stroke in a circular motion while moving towards the nipple. Keep repeating the strokes till you have covered the entire breast. 2. Always clean your nipples before your baby starts suckling but never rub them with a towel. This will remove the natural oils and make them more vulnerable to mangling.  3. Stimulate your nipples to make them erect before feeding by massaging them with your index finger and thumb to make them erect. This will make it easier for your infant to latch on easily. 4. While your baby is feeding, keep pulling the skin of your breast towards your chest and press your breast. This will ensure that the nipples are protruding and breast keeps flowing. 5. Wash your breasts with water and expose them to dry for less nipple wear and tear. And, don’t forget to wash your hands before breastfeeding. #sharingiscaring

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Super Mom

thanks for sharing 🤱