How much milk and how often does a 7 month old baby drink for mummies who express breast milk out for baby to drink? I am returning to work and previously direct latched baby because she doesnt like to drink from the bottle. She is still semi rejecting the bottle and worried that she is not taking enough.

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Hi, I think babies at this age latch on whenever they are hungry. But because your baby is 7 month old now, I think you should put him on solids so that even if she is not taking the milk form the bottle, she is atleast eating otherwise. I think you put her on solids now, like, mashed banana, potato, porridge, pulses that are easy to digest, soups, minced chicken, mashed vegetables, cottage cheese, etc. Make sure whatever you feed her is totally mashed so that it is easy for her to swallow. And in between whenever you get time, feed her your breastmilk, and otherwise keep working on the bottle feed. She is used to latching so she may take more time to adjust to the bottle. Also, as she grows her, you can also develop the habit of having her milk in the glass. All this, if she doesn't like to have the bottle feed. Drinking from glass is a habit that she develops, you will be a lucky one.

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8y trước

Thanks for your reply! Yea have been trying to sneak in the breastmilk n bottle whenever even in e solids.. it is so worrisome because she has very bad constipation these 2 days because of inadequate fluids!