4 Replies
Hi, It differs from baby to baby but 100 ml or little more than that is fine. Also, it depends on how many times he is taking the feed. Within a week or so, you can experiment with feeing him a little more say 120ml or 130 ml, but then again that all depends on feedings per day. Also, your baby will herself demand more milk and you would know that she wants more. You can use the following information to take out the estimate amount of milk the baby would require. It is as follows: Estimate the number of times that baby nurses per day (24 hours). Then divide 25 ounces by the number of nursings. This gives you an estimated amount of expressed milk your exclusively breastfed baby will need at one feeding.
There is no real /long established formulae or baby to drink as most of the recommendation are based on fm volume. On top of that, everybody's bm is slightly different, some are more fattty or protein so baby will want to drink more or less of it. Some baby also big drinker, some are small drinkers. As long as baby drink to his fill, does not vomit /regurgitate too much, u guys never force feed then it is ok. If hungry they will cry for milk. U can slowly try to increase or decrease base on how many hours baby is always asking for milk. Sometimes growth spurts or teething can causes increase or decrease of milk intake. So long baby is active, and gaining weight well, got pee got s***, then all is good
At 2 months, my boy was drinking 100ml. Babies know how much they need. Some may take more or less it differs. Not to worry, you cant overfeed an infant. They are really smart and will know when they need more. They will also stop once they had enough. Dont worry too much and enjoy the experience :)
My girl drinks about 70ml every two hourly and latches at home. She managed to be at 90th percentile despite everyone telling me she is drinking too little.
Stella Bai Yuling