12 Replies

Breastfeeding advocates would recommend to let a child nurse as long as he/she wants and avoid force weaning. Per WHO, breastfeeding should be for at least two years (6 months EBF), which is why Philippine milk ads would always say "breastfeeding is best for babies up to 2 years of age and beyond." Personally, I was weaned at 7 years old because my mom's milk was continuous as she is also nursing my younger siblings. It's up to you until when you should breastfeed as long as you and your child mutually want to, considering all other factors. :)

Personally, I don't think there is a right or wrong answer to this. The normal weaning period happened between 2 to 5 years old. It is a question that you should ask yourself on how comfortable you are in doing extended breastfeeding. My firstborn self weaned at 28 months when I was pregnant with my second child but continued to drink my milk after I gave birth up to now.

Yes, I think it is a personal choice. Some would want to breastfeed for as long as they could. Some of my friends had to start the weaning process after they have gotten back to work and work demands made it difficult for them to continue pumping on a regular schedule. So circumstances sometimes play a part too.

It depends. Standard time would be until 2 years. But some babies breastfeed more than 2 years and some will go less than that. Until your baby refuses you do the breastfeeding. That will surely stimulating your baby's Senses for sure 😄

Yes, no right or wrong. All depends on your comfort level. I intend to let my boy self wean on his own. Even if it means 5 years, I'm mentally prepared to accept all kinds of comments from outsiders. That's my boy, if he wants me, I will provide.

My firstborn is 4 still on my milk. We plan to feed her until 5 years if she still want my milk.

Most of my friends breastfeed in the range of 6 to 12 months. Most of them stopped because of their work schedules but one of them commented that her babies seemed to lose interest in breastmilk once they started on solids.

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That's no specific time. So long they want we feed till they wean off themselves.

usually 1 or 2 year old.

Upto 1-2 years

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