Sex after baby

How long after giving birth did you and your husband resume having sex? #sec #postpartum

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My husband not patient. He wanted in me right away but I offered him oral instead. He was okay with that for a week.

4y trước

Please help me like the photo

3 weeks. I had a c section so I just waited till I stopped bleeding and wasn't hurting too bad to make my move. Lol

4y trước

Did you feel any discomfort? Im 1 week PP and cannot tahan already lol

Influencer của TAP

4 weeks after giving birth haha. We both couldnt hold it any longer HAHAHA

I had stiches so we did that after 3 months after my wounds were all healed.

Mine was 3 weeks. Hubby can't wait and it was c sect.

8y trước

Was it painful? Im 5months pp and am very afraid to do it lei.

Normally me, delivery normal.. After 2months having sex..

my worse after delivery till now 24 month.No sex...

anytime when ure ready. use those lubricant to help.

6y trước

will it effect you if you use lubricant

As i had no stitches and tear. 1month!!! :)