4 Replies


Hi I am a first time mom too, first congratulations for choosing to breastfeed your baby as the percentage is getting low day by day. When to stop bf is between you and your baby. If your baby is more than 6 months of age and has shifted towards solids and accepting it well you can slowly cut down the daytime feeds one by one gradually and replace it with solids. However if you can and if there is a good milkflow, you can continue to bf 2-3 times a day until 1 year of baby's age and after that slowly stop totally by keeping an alternate source of milk in hand, be it formula or cow's milk whatever.


If your baby is less than 6 months, then you can choose to stop breastfeeding if your breastmilk is less and your baby is doing well with formula without any allergies. Your body will automatically understand the demand and will reduce the production of breastmilk if it is not consumed.

when you reduce the pumping until not much left or not painful? no need see dr if yours is left with a bit. the less frequent the output the body will produce less.

Reduce # of times bf, drag out interval and pump out to prevent clogging.. its a slow process to let your body know there is not much milk demand anymore..

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