How can I best help my wife breastfeed? She has some problems with one breast and loses confidence when she tries to feed with that breast. However I know it's important she uses both breasts to prevent swelling or mastitis.

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In fact, one very good way is to massage her breast so that it stimulate milk production. With having more milk, it may help her to feed/latch more confidently and giving her the idea that "Yes, I can do it. Baby is drinking and emptying my breast." Give her assurance that she is doing a good job. Tell her things like baby is still learning and it takes time. Meanwhile, you can either hand express or by using a breast pump to assist you so as not to engorge the breast that is not latched on.

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In the event if your wife feels uncomfortable while breastfeeding with one of the breast, you can assure her that this is normal as some mothers and some babies are used to being fed only on one breast. Worried about the swelling? Pump it out. She may not feed on the left for example. Feed baby on the right and pump both breast after that. There may be more milk on the breast that is being latched on even after latching.

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I agree with the mommy above, use the pump on the breast that she is having problems with and continue nursing with the other breast. My best friend experienced the same thing and this method seems to be the best way for her. Don't lose confidence over this, it might affect her overall breastfeeding experience, which is otherwise beautiful. Hang in there!

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She should use a pump on the breast that she does not feel comfortable breastfeeding with. I personally prefer my right breast for direct latching and left for pumping. Have not run into any issues as such. Best still I've figured out how to do both at the same time - so I save time!

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There are some position that your wife can try. Show her the graphic so she can follow. It is important to boost her confidence so do not forget the compliment and give litle gift for her.

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Thanks a lot for the advice. However the other breast doesn't really expel a lot of milk unless pumped by hand. Any tips?