stop biting their nails

How do you get your preschooler to stop biting their nails? I have tried the bitter nail polish and it did not work for us.

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When I was younger, I would bite my nails non-stop to an extent when it would bleed because of of the exposed skin. My mother was so frustrated and she had tried all sorts of methods to curb my bad habit like painting my nails with bitter tasting polish and lacing my fingers with lemon juice (which I ended up liking the taste of). What stopped me eventually was seeing pictures of infected nails in a magazine I found lying around my aunt's place. I was 8 and staying over at her place for a weekend and read one of her magazines and there was an article about nail biting and its extreme consequences. It's not the best thing for a child to see but it worked. I have not bitten my nails since and everytime I think about what I saw all those years ago, I shudder.

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