Unfortunately, we can't tell that the baby is normal until after delivery. Intelligence, deafness, dumbness and blindness, for example, cannot be assessed antenatally. There are certain tests to give us assurance of the growth and health of the baby. 1. A dating scan to make sure the baby is in the womb and not outside the womb. 2. Fetal heartbeat seen will tell us that the baby is viable. 3. From 10 weeks, we can do blood tests to assess the chromosomes of the fetus with very high accuracy. 4. Normal genes does not mean normal organs so at 20 weeks, a fetal abnormality scan can give us this reassurance. 5. From 20 weeks (for first time mothers, and from 18 weeks for second pregnancy onwards), fetal movements can be felt and the mum-to-be will know that the baby is well as they can feel the movements everyday. 6. After first feeling fetal movements, the rest of the pregnancy will be targeted at assessing the growth of the baby and the mother's duty is to monitor the movements of the baby. 7. The position of the fetus will be assessed at full term to determine if the patient can try normal vaginal delivery. Only patients whose fetuses are presenting by the head are allowed to try for normal delivery..
Has long your baby is activity and moving well in the scans the baby is normal. don't think too much and be positive. being stress will cause the baby to be tensed and stress too.
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