How do you deal with super superstitious parents/grandparents? Sometimes, I feel like I'm not a good parent for them just because I don't follow what's accustomed.

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I'd deal with them the same I deal with everyone and everything else -- respectfully. Superstitions are usually rooted in some truth and just an extreme version of a fact. Perhaps, you can take time to get the elders to explain the superstitions to you. I, too, grew up with plenty of superstitions and I used to mock them. As I grew older, I learnt to appreciate them and while I don't necessarily follow or believe all of them, after understanding their roots, I do find some of them to be useful or true. Those that I think are nonsense, I'd just smile them off whenever someone mentions them to me.

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Superstitions are deeply rooted from our history but I think that it's there because it's the simplest solution/answer to our unknown questions. I just smile and nod whenever I'm advised with something related to pamahiins. At the end of the day, I know what will be best for my child and I'm raise her how I want her to be raised. I don't think you're a bad parent just because you don't believe in superstitions.

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Maybe you just have to let it pass, especially with you knowing that they've come from a different generation and they have different understanding of things. If you can, explain what's true and what's not. If they nag, pasok sa kabilang tenga at labas sa kabilang tenga. After all, they still want the best for our kids. It's just that they have different approach when it comes to certain things.

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