Hi mummies, can I breastfeed my baby after taking antibiotics ?

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I think it is best that you check with your doctor. Some antibiotics are safe for consumption during breastfeeding. From what I've read, the general guide for breastfeeding after consumption of any drug (which are safe for consumption during breastfeeding) would be to wait about 2-3 hours. This is because the concentration increases and peak at around 45-90mins after ingestion, and would peak in the breast milk about 15mins later. Therefore, it is probably good to wait at least 2 to 3 hours before breastfeeding. Still, there are drugs that should be avoided during breastfeeding. Hence, it is best to check with your doctor on this.

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It depends on the meds you are taking but majority of medicines are safe to take. You may check www.e-lactancia.org enter the generic name and it will show you if it is safe to take while breastfeeding. This website is recognized by WHO for breastfeeding women.

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