Hi all, my LO is 3 mths old and due to shallow latch, nipple confusion and slow flow, I've started exclusively expressing milk and feeding her through milk bottle 1.5 mths back. However, few weeks back, I've been getting recurrent blocked ducts. I've tried all methods suggested including hot compresses, getting help from LC, engorgement massage ladies etc...it'd clear for a day or 2 and then come back again. One of the massage ladies mentioned that I'm not clearing my milk properly hence the repeated blk ducts and recommended me to use spectra S1. I'm not sure if I should still invest in another pump (personally I feel that I might not react well to pumps as I can only pump out abt 60ml and hand express out another 60 ml usually) so I've switched to doing full hand expression...however it seems like it isn't sustainable solution due to the recurrent blk ducts. Any mums experienced similar situation? Would changing of pumps really help? Any other solutions? P.s she also mentioned that it doesn't look like a milk thickness problem hence I've ruled out taking lecithin as a solution. Many thanks in advance mums!

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You can first rent it from hospital or some seller for the pump n see if that particular pump works for u before u invest in them. Previously I used a well known brand at a v expensive price but I feel suction isn't that great and I couldn't clear properly too. After which I switch to spectra m1 - for the size that's portable when I go back work. N so far it works great for me. Another reason I feel I'm not clearing is due to my bra that's pressing too hard on my breasts - as I'm using Freemie n I guess mayb it restricted the flow. Also when I'm pumping but multi tasking or stress my produce will not b as much as regular for same amount of time pumped (half hr for all my pump session) n would b full or blocked easily. Try massaging them before you pump n see if it's better.

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8y trước

Thanks for your kind suggestions!

Not sure if this will help, but here is an article with a list of potential causes for recurrent blocked ducts and some suggested treatments that you can try. Some of the suggested treatments include: - Taking supplements such as vitamin C and consuming adequate amount of fluids - daily therapeutic breast massage (http://bfmedneo.com/our-services/breast-massage/ or http://www.askdrsears.com/topics/feeding-eating/breastfeeding/common-problems/plugged-milk-ducts) - Acupuncture You have probably read through many articles and I hope some of the suggestions may help. If hand expressing has been helping you drain fully, perhaps you can consider investing in a better pump since that may be the cause of the problem. Hang in there mummmy! All the best!!

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8y trước

Thanks for your kind suggestions!

Hi, i had recurrent block ducts after i started to pump during daytime when my lo was sent to ifc at 3.5months. I was using a reputable and expensive brand pump back then and i felt it did not clear my milk. After much consideration and hearing advises from other breastfeeding mums on online platform, i decided to invest in a spectra S1. I have no regrets on getting a spectra S1. I don't have blocked ducts anymore and it feels more comfy and it extracts more milk. It is my best investment ever, no more pain from blocked ducts!

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hi mom, it happened to me but luckily some1 suggest me to consume lecithin and my problem solved. i can happily express my milk..