8 Replies

I hope you're ok Shrutika! Your supply may be affected if you're not consuming enough calories to breastfeed but just keep latching and I believe you'll be fine. Your milk production may be slower so ensure that you latch your baby during the early signs of hunger so he can be more patient on the breast. Do offer more milk to your baby as this is the time when your milk contains more antibodies to prevent your baby from getting the virus as well. More information can be found here: http://kellymom.com/bf/can-i-breastfeed/illness-surgery/mom-illness/

Yes that will definitely affect your supply. You need to try and take a lot of fluids and continue to latch to bring on the supply. btw did u go to a doc? I had stomach flu while feeding, doc gave me probiotics and paracetamol. Maybe my case wasnt severe but i resumed having food the very next day and yes it affected supply for that day.

the doc prescribed smecta, charcoal pills and a probiotic. LO also has a mild case but is still latching on normally, her appetite seems unaffected. The only thing I can digest right now is bananas and I am also drinking some milk. I hope my stomach isnt upset for a long time

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hi sis ...how're? have u check up at clinic ? mom has to be in good condition ❤️then your bb will get good nutrition through breastfeeding...calm yourself ok...take care sis🥰👍

Keep yourself hydrated. Also remember to sanitise your hands before touching or getting close to baby. Take dry stuff, bananas, toast, Porridge. Hope you get well soon!

No don't do that! It will affect your supply of you do not drink. You must keep yourself hydrated at least.
