Jst started EDUCATION life

Helo mummies my darling has started her school life less then a week n also she is jst 20 mths ++ hve not start to talk.. Can u all share own experience how ur LO manged to get along well in their school life n how long did it take for them to realised it was their learning lifestyle? I am a bit confused till now as since it is the CB period so did not get a CHance to view school inside yet all ur replies will be appreciated

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Super Mum

Hello there. You must be feeling really anxious. I used to read to my child and try to get him to look at me when I speak to encourage him to make some sounds or imitate the words I say. With regards to adapting to school, it depends on individual children but the school will help. Maybe talk to the teachers and see how you all can collaborate?!

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5y ago

Hahaha its the mummy anxiety. Normal. We all go through that 😂😘