Hello to all! I had blocked ducts a month ago and started on lecithin (3 times a day, 1200mg each). May I know if I can cut down on the lecithin one month into taking without recurring blocked ducts? If so, what will the recommended dosage be? Thank you! :)

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Based on my personal experience and lactation consultant, block duct occurance is rather high once reduced the lecithin that your body already used to it. I suggest that on going consumption of the same dosage till you are blocked duct free for at least three months. Then slowly reduce it by weekly basis.

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8y trước

Thanks for your prompt reply! Will monitor my body's progress and tweak accordingly.

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I've been taking the same dosage as you do but had mastitis 2 weeks back so I doubled the dosage right now. So now I'm just monitoring to see if I have a recurrence before I slowly lower the dosage again.