What is your favourite?

We all have our favourites, but if you have to pick between these two. Which one will it be? Don't forget to share your answer in the comment section below! We can't wait to find out :)

What is your favourite?
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now time pregnant sis suka sgt mkn buah oren kalau buah manggo suka lagi kalau buat jus

pregnant sblm ni oren..tpi skrg ni mcm mwngo jer😅

M A N G O - more prefer in juice instead😄

Oranges for juice, mangoes for dessert 😋

Influencer của TAP

Mango but i like orange too 😂

dua dua nya 😘😘

🥰both... 🍊🥭

dua dua feveret

Thành viên VIP

i love both🥰

dua-dua ☺️